Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Jual tepung ikan

Kami produsen tepung ikan dengan kualitas dan harga yang bersaing!!!

1. Tepung Ikan Prot. Min. 55% (Franco Blitar Harga Rp 5.800/Kg)
Bahan Tepung Ikan kami ini adalah dari 100% ikan segar dari jenis Ikan Pirek dan Lemuru. Ikan Segar di rebus/steam/dimasak hingga matang dan di press untuk kemudian di Oven sampai siap untuk digiling. Kami MENGGARANSI 100% UANG KEMBALI jika protein tidak sampai 55%. (Minimal Order 2 Ton)

2. Tepung Ikan Prot. 40% (Franco Blitar Harga Rp 4.300/Kg)
Bahan Tepung Ikan kami ini adalah dari 100% ikan kering dari jenis Ikan Pirek/Petek dan Lemuru dari pengepul ikan dan nelayan. Bahan ikan ini kami oven lagi untuk memperoleh kekeringan yang maksimal hingga siap untuk digiling. Kami MENGGARANSI 100% UANG KEMBALI jika protein tidak sampai 40%. (Minimal Order 2 Ton)

3. Tepung Ikan Kualitas Biasa (Franco Blitar Harga Rp 3.400/Kg)
Untuk jenis tepung ikan ini kami menggunakan jenis Ikan Pirek dan petek kering dari nelayan/pengepul ikan ditambah kepala-kepala ikan kering dari limbah pabrik pengalengan ikan. Bahan ikan ini kemudian kami Oven lagi sampai siap untuk digiling. Kami TIDAK MENGGARANSI KANDUNGAN PROTEINNYA. Silahkan customer melihat samplenya sendiri untuk memutuskan. (Tidak ada minimal order)

4. Ikan Kering Bahan Pembuatan Tepung Ikan (Franco Blitar Harga Berkisar Rp 4.000/Kg - Rp 5.000,-/Kg, tergantung dari kualitas dan Jenis Ikan Keringnya)
Jenis Ikan Pirek/Petek/Lemuru kering dari nelayan/pengepul ikan lokalan Jawa (Ikan dar i pantai utara dan selatan Jawa) dan macam macam jenis ikan yang kami peroleh dari Tarakan (Kaltim) dan juga kepala-kepala ikan kering dari limbah pabrik pengalengan ikan. (Minimal Order 6 Ton)


Contact Person : SETIA INDARTO, ST
Telp. : 081 336 570 089

Monday, November 29, 2010

Non Traditional Thanksgiving / Hasty Bake

Another cook on my oldy but goody 40+ year old Hasty Bake Model 130 cooker.

This is my 3rd cook on it as I am trying to get this cooker figured out and I did get a pretty nice meal out of it yesterday.

There are just the two of us and we sometimes don't go to all the hassle of cooking up a big meal for the holidays. We decided to just cook something up plain and simple for Thanksgiving on my new old cooker.

I started out with stuffed pepper halves. For the stuffing, I used pulled and chopped pork, sharp Cheddar cheese, Worchester sauce, chopped onions, cream cheese, and bacon. I also par-boiled the pepper halves before I stuffed them.

Added a little rub and the bacon and this dish was ready for the cooker.

I took a head of Romaine lettuce and cut it lengthwise right down the middle to have two pieces. I then drizzled with olive oil, sprinkled on some fresh cracked black pepper, some sea salt, and some garlic powder to both sides and this treat as well was ready for the cooker.

Next step was to get a couple of nice thick ribeyes ready for the cooker. I sprinkled on some fresh ground black pepper and some garlic salt on the meat.

For my bread, I then prepped some Cresent Rolls for the cooker.

This is the way I set up the cooker and maybe some of you Hasty Bake owners can tell me if I got it right for this cook. My older cooker doesn't have the slide out firebox so I just loaded thru the top of the cooker and filled the right side or right half of the firebox full of lump charcoal. I placed the heat deflector over the left side of the cooker so I could cook both direct and indirect at the same time. I lit it up and brought it up to temp and raised the firebox up to just under the cooking grates.

I placed my stuffed peppers on the left or indirect side of the cooker.

I then placed my raised baking grid over the peppers for my Cresent rolls.

I placed the Cresent rolls on the indirect side of the cooker and then loaded the Romaine lettuce on the direct side of the cooker. The lettuce only cooks about 3-4 minutes a side to just get some char or black on some of the leaves and to get it warmed up in the middle.

Looked and smelled great coming off of the cooker. I shreadded up about a half cup of fresh Romano cheese and sprinkled it on top of the lettuce.

Placed the steaks on the direct side of the cooker and right over the fire and cooked them to about medium rare. Took about 6-7 minutes a side.

The steaks came off looking good.

I took the stuffed peppers off next but the bread was not ready.

I finally took the bread off after about 12 more minutes and it didn't come out as brown as I would like but it was done. I guess I just had the lid opened up tooo many times with the rest of the cook to build up enough heat to brown the bread.

You know, it sure wasn't a traditional Thanksgiving meal but it sure was a good replacement in my book.

That was the first time I did that lettuce like that and it was KILLER!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Holiday Appetizers / Smoked Cheese

I usually like to get my holiday cheese smoking done by early November so it has some time to age in the vacuum sealed packages before the holidays. Running a little behind this year as I just got to it yesterday.

Wife purchased a large batch this year and this is the cheese I got ready for smoking by cutting it up into logs that measure about 1" to maybe 1-1/2" near square logs.

Three Alarm Colby Jack 11.46 lbs
Alpenhaus Swiss 4.80
Dutch Gouda 2.00
Colby-Jack 2.00
Bruschettta-Jack 2.00
Danish Havarti 1.43
Le Gruyere 1.30
Sharp Cheddar 4.81

This is 29.80 pounds of cheese and probably the largest batch I have smoked at one time.

I decided to smoke this batch in my Backwoods Party as I thought it would be a full load and this cooker was handy and at the front of the garage.

I rolled the smoker out of the garage and loaded a charcoal chimney with about 10 brickettes of that great Rancher charcoal. When it was ready, I fixed up my firebox (pie pan) with 6 greyed over brickettes and then added some chunks of a mild hickory out of Maine which I won at a contest a few years ago.

I was right in that it really filled up the cooker. I smoked this batch of cheese a total of 90 minutes and it was checked for smoke flavor about 3 times until I got it to where it should be perfect after it comes out of the vacuum sealed packages.

This is some of the cheese coming off of the smoker. Sure looks good...

We got it all bagged up and vacuumed sealed and placed back into the fridge to age for a couple of weeks which will mellow out the flavor. Just can't wait to get into some of that smoked Three Alarm Colby-Jack cheese.

For the folks that need more detail on cheese smoking, see my other articles on this subject.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Gambaran Umum Kambing Anglo Nubia

Kambing Anglo Nubia merupakan kambing dwi-fungsi - bisa dijadikan kambing pedaging dan bisa juga dijadikan kambing perah. Kalau diperhatikan, kambing Anglo Nubia mirip dengan kambing Etawa - keduanya sama-sama tinggi dan panjang serta bermuka cembung dan telinga panjang menggantung. Namun demikian, berbeda dengan kambing Etawa yang berbadan ramping, kambing Anglo Nubia memperlihatkan badan yang padat berisi.

Tunggu kelanjutannya.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The wind has been really bad since last night. The cows are loving it though. They were running around this morning.

I went to fill their water tank and it was empty this morning. I filled it last evening, so it shouldn't have been empty. I think the water is syphoning back to the house, downhill to the spiggot. i think that's why it seems like there's a leak in it although there's no water on

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Texas Toast from Scratch

I just had to try some baking on my 40+ year old model 130 Hasty Bake cooker.

I just found out from a Hasty Bake Guru that my cooker is older than I thought. He said it was made in the late 60's or early 70's. Heck, it is more than a classic...it's and antique as well!

I figured I would need a good head of steam due to the weather conditions so I loaded the firebox full of lump for this higher temp bake.

I placed the heat deflector right in the middle of the grid and added a raised grid on top of that to get my baking grate higher up inside the dome or lid of the cooker.

It was probably about 4-5 inches up into the lid where I figured I could get a better and more even browning on the bread.

I used our favorite recipe for our regular bread which is the Old Order Amish Bread and had it ready at about the time I got the cooker up to temp.

It baked up fine although it did take a little longer than I expected but the outside temp was about 37 degrees with light rain and I am sure that caused some of the increase in the baking time.

I really got the bread browned up nicely and very even and it came off the cooker looking great. I then cut one loaf of the bread into about 1" thick slices for my Texas Toast. Added a stick of butter to a bowl, then some garlic, and a little garlic salt, heated it up and brushed it on both sides of the slices.

Moved the heat deflector over to one side and put the bread back on the cooker. MY...MY the smell was wonderful and I couldn't wait to get at it!

You just can't beat some great home made bread turned into Texas Toast.

Served it up with a burger and sure enjoyed the meal.

That 40+ year old cooker is doing me a fine job and I am enjoying fooling around with it.

Maybe Pizza next??
Roasted up a chicken from our farm last night -- served it with pasta from the local place. I made a sauce of sauted onions and garlic, mushrooms, then added red wine. I added some grated asiago at the end. It was yummy. After dinner was over I boiled the carcass with carrots, onions and celery. Now I have a nice stock in the fridge, ready to go. I like the way these home grown birds just keep on

Acuan informasi perkembangan harga telur nasional

SMS Info Central Unggas adalah media informasi yang independen dan bekerja secara profesional yang tidak berorientasi mencari keuntungan dari sebuah proses jual beli telur. Dengan selalu bertambahnya member sms info setiap hari maka sms info central unggas akan terus berkembang menjadi media informasi perkembangan harga telur nasional yang terpercaya .

Saat ini Member sms info sudah merata dari berbagai daerah di indonesia sehingga perkembangan informasi dari sms server diakui atau tidak diakui akan sangat cepat direspon oleh peternak maupun pedagang yang menggunakan acuan standar dari sms info central unggas.

Sebagai pedagang maupun peternak, mengapa anda perlu selalu mengikuti update informasi dari sms info central unggas?

SMS INFO central unggas adalah layanan informasi profesional (berbayar) sehingga kebanyakan dari member sms info ini adalah para peternak dari berbagai daerah di indonesia dengan kapasitas produksi yang cukup besar dan juga para pedagang yang mempunyai omset besar juga. Sehingga harga jual mereka ini sangat besar pengaruhnya terhadap harga pasar yang terbentuk didaerahnya

Pada saat terjadi kenaikan harga telur, sistem kami akan segera mendistribusikan informasi tersebut ke seluruh member sms info dalam waktu kurang dari 5 menit. Sehingga pada saat itu juga para peternak maupun para pedagang member sms info ini kebanyakan akan langsung menaikan harga jualnya juga, dengan keserempakan distribusi informasi ini maka perubahan harga pun akan cepat terbentuk mengikuti update informasi dari sms server central unggas. Demikian juga sebaliknya pada saat harga turun.

Disinilah perlunya anda selalu mengikuti update informasi harga telur terkini dari sms server central unggas yang sudah terbukti menjadi acuan standar bagi kebanyakan pedagang maupun peternak dari berbagai daerah di indonesia ini , sehingga sebagai pelaku bisnis di bidang perteluran ini anda tidak akan ketinggalan perkembangan harga telur yang sedang dan akan terjadi.

Monday, November 15, 2010

cheese soup, nighttime chickens and the farm

The house has been getting a new coat of paint. Yeah! It looks pretty. Yellows, white, reds.

The turkeys were processed and are in the freezer. We ate one and it was quite good. What a lot of work, but with a great reward. The cost per 22lb bird was still around $35 each. So, nothing to sneeze at.

The chickens were making a terrible racket last night. I got up at 2am to see what was disturbing

Daftar Calon Investor Peternakan Sapi Bali

Sebagaimana disebutkan pada tulisan sebelumnya, pada tahap penawaran sekarang ini ditawarkan peluang investasi untuk pengadaan 5 (lima) ekor sapi Bali betina dewasa siap kawin atau sudah bunting. Alhamdulillah, sudah terdaftar investor sbb.:

A. Investasi Perorangan:
Investor yang memilih pola investasi perorangan ini akan menyediakan dana Rp8 juta secara sendiri saja untuk pengadaan seekor sapi Bali.

1. Mbak IP1 di Jakarta telah mendaftar dengan nilai komitmen investasi penuh Rp8 juta untuk pembelian seekor sapi Bali betina.

2. Kang IP2 di Bandung mendaftarkan diri dengan komitmen investasi senilai Rp8 juta untuk pembelian satu ekor sapi Bali .

B. Investasi Gotong Royong:
Investor yang memilih pola investasi gotong royong secara bersama-sama menyerahkan dana sesuai kemampuannya (minimal Rp2 juta) untuk pembelian seekor sapi Bali betina seharga Rp8 juta.

1.a. Mbak IGR1 di Banten dengan nilai komitmen investasi Rp2 juta.

Dengan demikian, nilai komitmen investasi saat ini baru cukup untuk pengadaan dua ekor sapi Bali betina. Untuk pembelian sapi Bali betina ketiga masih diperlukan dana Rp6 juta lagi karena nilai komitmen investasi yang ada baru Rp2 juta.

Secara keseluruhan, untuk pembelian lima ekor sapi Bali betina, masih diperlukan dana sebesar Rp22 juta lagi.

Bagi Anda yang ingin ikut serta dalam usaha bagi hasil peternakan sapi Bali ini, silakan mengirim email ke hipyannopri[@]yahoo[.]com[.]au untuk mendaftarkan diri sebagai calon investor.

Penawaran investasi ini akan ditutup kalau nilai komitmen investasi dari para calon investor yang telah mendaftar sudah mencapai Rp40 juta.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hasty Bake / Classic Cooker

You know, Jimmy Carter lusts after beautiful women and I guess I lust after some of the older and more classic cookers and smokers. Cookers like the smaller 15" WSM, a Charbroil CB940, Cajun Grill, Hasty Bake, the two smaller Jedmasters, a Weber Performer in Red with the stainless steel table, and even a less expensive PK Grill to name a few.

I check the Craig's List about twice a week for some of these hard to find units and had been looking for one of the larger Hasty Bakes for about 3 years in the Indiana area. Last week I decided to look farther out and set my Search Tempest to 1000 miles from Indy and bingo, I got a hit in Mount Cory, Ohio! Heck, that is only 250 miles from the Po-Farm.

Some of the information in the ad stated the following...Made in USA. Been in dry storage the last 20 years, needs a good cleaning but this is a very nice large charcoal cooker. On it's way to the scrap yard, thought someone might appreciate it for what it is. The price was $10.00 dollars. Had these two pictures enclosed.

I called the gentleman and he told me that the cooker had been in his Mother's garage for about 20 years and other than a little surface rust, the cooker was in pretty good condition. I told him that I would take the cooker and asked him to hold it for me for a few days until I could get over there with some help to pick it up.

A few days later and early one morning, I picked up my good friend Jeff Toler (Anchorman) just North of Indy and we went over to Ohio and picked up the cooker and I had it back home at about 3:30pm in the afternoon. Pretty good for a 500 mile round trip.

All this time, I thought the cooker was the smaller Suburban size but after I got to checking it out, I found that it was a model 130 which is the larger and more desirable Legacy size model.

Looked it over good and it did need a good cleaning and had a broken firebox fire grate and was missing the heat deflector. The gentleman had told me that it did still have some ashes in the firebox when he rescued it from the garage and that did worry me some but the ash pan was fine and not rusted out.

With a few replacement parts, a good cleaning and reseasoning, some wire brushing and sanding, and a new paint job, I will add this cooker to my arsenal. Might be a great ending for a cooker that is probably near 30 years old at the present time. And yes, this is one fellow that will appreciate this old cooker as the seller had asked!

I am not sure I can get it to look as good as a new cooker as seen above and priced at about $1100.00 dollars but I'll bet it will cook just as good as a new one. As you can see, there has not been very many changes in the life of this 30 year old cooker.

Hasty Bake is a smaller company has been in business since 1948 and that is even longer than the Weber company and have built several models of these fine cookers over the years. They have a wonderful reputation and are a rock solid company. If they don't have a replacement part, they will make one up for you. They do treat their customers right.

I called the head guru, a Mr. Adam Myers at Hasty Bake and we talked about the age of this cooker. It doesn't have the indicator to show the height of the firebox and also doesn't have to pull out firebox feature. Other than that, it is the same as a new cooker. He figures it's an early 80's model cooker. I then ordered the three replacement parts I needed along with some accessories I wanted for this old classic.

The first thing I did to the cooker was to take it apart and then I scraped the inside down and removed some of that old grease and sludge. I then washed it all out and I put it back together and oiled it down good and then lit a hot lump fire and reseasoned the inside of the cooker. Now, I got parts coming in about a week but I couldn't wait and wanted to cook something in this old cooker.

I covered the ash pan with foil, and then placed two fire cubes on it, and then loaded up the right half of the firebox with some good Ozark Oak lump. I added 3 big chunks of hickory to the top of the charcoal. I then lowered the firebox right down and on top of the fire cubes and it lit off quickly and I had a hot fire in about 20-25 minutes.

I left just the one cooking grid in the cooker for this cook. I then raised the hot firebox up to about 9-10 inches under the cooking grid

This old chili-head does like his hot stuff and I rubbed these wings with a heavy dose of the very hot 80 grade cayenne pepper. I also made up some glazing sauce with about a half stick of butter, about 10 oz of Franks Hot Sauce, and about 2 tsp of the hot ground cayenne pepper.

I moved the cooking grid over to the left side of the cooker so it wasn't over the fire and loaded up my wings. Since I don't have the foggiest idea of what I am doing with this cooker, I guess you could say I was "winging it". I know, that's bad but I had to say it! Anyway, I let them cook indirectly like this for about 30 minutes. Slopped on a heavy dose of sauce, turned them over and slopped on another dose to this side. Slid the grid over to the right side and over the fire for some direct cooking and to set the glaze. I kept moving the grid back and forth and turning and saucing the wings until my sauce ran out and the wings were charred up to suit me.

Worked nice for this first cook and I removed the wings and shut down the cooker.

Love my hot wings!!

Will be more coming on this old classic cooker in the future.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

cara menetaskan telur ayam serama dengan mesin tetas CUF-60

CUF - 60 merupakan mesin tetas yang sangat membantu dan mudah digunakan. Dengan hanya dibutuhkan sedikit pengalaman dan mencoba, mesin ini cukup handal dalam penggunaannya sebagai penetas telur. Mesin penetas kecil ini kami rancang dengan memperhitungkan sudut penyinaran dan intensitas cahaya yang tepat, dengan dilengkapi thermostat yang berkualitas sehingga mampu mengatur suhu penetasan yang stabil. CUF - 60 ini termasuk dalam tipe still air atau pemanasan yang terjadi di dalam ruang incubator akibat perambatan panas dari bohlam lampu pijar pada bagian atasnya.

Gunakan CUF-60
Terbukti dan Teruji Kualitasnya
Central Unggas Produsen Mesin Tetas Berkualitas

Melayani pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia

CUF - 60
(pengatur suhu otomatis-
pembalikan telur sistem rak putar)

Siapapun dengan mudah dapat membuat mesin tetas, tetapi tidak banyak yang mampu membuat mesin tersebut dengan kemampuan daya tetas yang maksimal

Ready Stok
Harga+Ongkos kirim ke Luar Pulau Jawa
Rp. 600.000,-
Harga+Ongkos kirim Dalam Wilayah Pulau Jawa
Rp. 500.000,-

Kapasitas Penetasan:
maksimal 100 butir telur

Penetasan telur ayam serama hari demi hari

(Proses penetasan ini hanya efektif jika menggunakan mesin tetas CUF-60)

  1. Hari ke-1:
    Setelah sumber pemanas dihidupkan, pintu dan lubang ventilasi dari mesin penetas ditutup rapat, jangan sekali-kali mencoba membukanya dan suhu tetap dipertahankan 101°F (38,33°C). Aturan-aturan ini berlaku dalam jangka waktu 48 jam atau Selama dua hari berturut-turut untuk menekan seminimal mungkin perubahan temperatur udara.
    Hari 1 ( 12 Nopember 2010)
  2. Hari ke-2:
    Mesin tetas tetap dalam kondisi tertutup rapat, sementara suhu ruangan sama seperti pada hari pertama.
    Hari 2 ( 13 Nopember 2010)
  3. Hari ke-3:
    Mulai dilakukan pemutaran telur dengan menggerakkan handle rak putar ke depan atau kebelakang. Pemutaran telur dilakukan supaya seluruh bagian telur mendapatkan panas secara merata. Hal ini sangat berguna untuk meningkatkan daya tetas. Kegiatan pemutaran dikerjakan dua atau tiga kali dalam sehari, masing-masing pada pukul 07.00, dan 19.00, atau pukul 07.00, 12.00 dan 19.00. Pemutaran telur dilakukan secara rutin setiap hari mulai hari ketiga sampai hari ke17 dengan frekuensi yang sama.
    Hari 3 (14 Nopember 2010)
  4. Hari ke-4:
    Kegiatan yang dilakukan meliputi pemutaran, dan pembukaan lubang ventilasi selebar 1/4 bagian dan peningkatan suhu mesin penetas menjadi 102°F (3 8,8°C). Baki perlu diperiksa, apakah air yang ada di dalamnya masih cukup atau tidak.
    Hari 4 (15 Nopember 2010)Embrio belum kelihatan

  5. Hari ke-5:
    Kegiatan sama seperti hari ke-4, hanya saja lubang ventilasi dibuka selebar 1/2 bagian.
    Hari 5 (16 Nopember 2010)
    Telur yang bakal jadi embrio mulai kelihatan

  6. Hari ke-6:
    Lubang ventilasi dibuka 3/4 bagian. Mengenai kegiatan, semuanya masih sama seperti han ke-5.
    Hari 6 (17 Nopember 2010)
    Embrio yang berkembang semakin jelas kelihatan
    Ini adalah contoh telur yang embrionya tidak berkembang atau telur infertil
    Telur seperti ini bisa dikeluarkan dari mesin tetas dan masih layak untuk di konsumsi

  7. Hari ke-7:
    Pemutaran telur tetap diläkukan tiga kali sehari. Pada malam hari mulai melakukan peneropongan telur (candling) untuk mengetahui keadaan di dalam telur. Mengapa harus malam hari? Sebab, pada waktu itulah peneropongan dapat dilakukan secara maksimal mengingat kondisinya yang berlawanan dengan sinar atau pencahayaan alat teropong. Bisa saja hal ini dilakukan pada waktu siang, hanya saja akurasi pengamatan lebih rendah daripada malam hari. Melalui peneropongan tersebut akan diketahui telur yang fertil, telur kosong (infertil) dan kematian embrio di dalam telur

    Hari 7 (18 Nopember 2010)
    Perkembangan embrio umur 7 hari dalam mesin tetas CUF-60

    Telur yang fertil dimasukkan kembali ke rak tetas, sedangkan telur yang embrionya mati harus segera disingkirkan. Telur kosong masih dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai telur konsumsi. Suhu dalam mesin penetas tetap dipertahankan 102°F (38,88°C), namun lubang ventilasi dibuka seluruhnya.

  8. Hari ke-8:
    Kegiatan masih berkisar pada pemutaran, seperti yang dilakukan pada hari-hari sebelumnya. Demikian pula mengenai lubang ventilasi yang tetap dibuka seluruhnya. Memasuki hari kedelapan, suhu penetasan ditingkatkan menjadi103°F (39,44°C)

    Hari 8 (19 Nopember 2010)

    Perkembangan embrio umur 8 hari dalam mesin tetas CUF-60

  9. Hari ke-9:
    Seluruh kegiatan sama dengari hari ke-8.

    Hari 9 (20 Nopember 2010)
    Perkembangan embrio umur 9 hari dalam mesin tetas CUF-60

  10. Hari ke-10:
    Kegiatan masih sama dengan hari ke-9.

    Hari 10 (21 Nopember 2010)
    Perkembangan embrio umur 10 hari dalam mesin tetas CUF-60

  11. Hari ke-11:
    Kegiatan masih sama dengan hari ke-10.

    Rata Penuh
    Hari 11 (22 Nopember 2010)
    Perkembangan embrio umur 11 hari dalam mesin tetas CUF-60

  12. Hari ke-12:
    Kegiatan masih sama dengan hari ke-11.

    Hari 12 (23 Nopember 2010)
    Perkembangan embrio umur 12 hari dalam mesin tetas CUF-60
    embrio semakin besar kelihatan tidak bergerak

  13. Hari ke-13:
    Tidak ada perbedaan dengan kegiatan pada hari ke-13

    Hari 13 (24 Nopember 2010)
    Perkembangan embrio umur 13 hari dalam mesin tetas CUF-60
    embrio semakin besar kelihatanya tidak bergerak

  14. Hari ke-14:
    Pada hari ke- 14, kembali dilakukan peneropongan telur untuk mengetahui keadaan embrio di dalamnya. Embrio yang mati di dalam telur langsung dikeluarkan, sehingga rak tetas hanya diisi telur dengan bibit yang masih hidup saja. Namun jika masih ragu-ragu sebaiknya telur tetap biarkan dalam mesin tetas sampai hari yang ke 21, karena pada hari ke 14 ini sulit membedakan embrio yang hidup dan tidak, karena sama-sama tidak bergerak. Selain peneropongan, semua kegiatan pada han ke- 14 ini sama dengan hari ke-13.

    Hari 14 (25 Nopember 2010)
    Perkembangan embrio umur 14hari dalam mesin tetas CUF-60
    embrio semakin besar kelihatanya tidak bergerak

  15. Hari ke-15:
    Telur-telur tetas tetap diputar 3 kali sehari. Suhu masih 103°F (39,44°C) dan lubang ventilasi juga tetap dibuka seluruhnya.

    embrio semakin besar kelihatanya tidak bergerak

  16. Hari ke-16:
    Sama dengan kegiatan pada han ke-15.
    Hari 16 (27 Nopember 2010)
  17. Hari ke-17:
    Semua kegiatan masih sama dengan yang dilakukan pada hari ke- 16.
    Hari 17 (28 Nopember 2010)

  18. Hari ke-18:
    Kegiatan pemutaran masih dilakukan, tetapi sesudahnya tidak boleh dilakukan lagi hingga telur menetas. Memasuki hari ke-18 sampai 21, telur mengalami masa kritis yang pada saat tersebut embrio mengalami perubahan yang sangat cepat untuk menjadi anak ayam. Beberapa organ tubuh mulai tumbuh sempurna, sehingga cukup peka terhadap perubahan temperatur udara luar. Suhu dalam ruangan mesin tetas ditingkatkan menjadi 104°F(40°C).
    Hari 18 (29 Nopember 2010)

  19. Hari ke-19:
    Sebagian telur mulai retak. Pada saat seperti ini ruangan mesin penetas membutuhkan kelembaban yang lebih tinggi daripada hari- hari sebelumnya.Untuk menciptakan suasana tersebut, kita dapat menambah volume air pada baki. Suhu masih 104°F (40°C) dan lubang ventilasi tetap terbuka
    Hari ke 19 (30 Nopember 2010)

  20. Hari ke-20:
    Seperti hari ke- 18 dan 19, maka pada hari ke-20. Suhu dipertahankan pada skala 104°F (40°C). Proses pecahnya kulit telur terjadi pada hari ke-20 dan ke-2 1. Anak ayam melalui paruhnya menekan ujung tumpul yakni rongga udara, kemudian memperpanjang diri dan menggelembung. Akibatnya, kulit telur menjadi sobek dan lama-kelamaan akan pecah. Dengan kekuatan sedikit demi sedikit, ujung tumpul tadi akan terangkat dan kepala anak ayam tersebut menyembul keluar.
    Hari ke 20 (01 Desember 2010)

    Hanya Gunakan CUF-60 untuk penetasan Unggas kesayangan Anda

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