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TOP MIX Feed supplement for: COMPOSITION
Indication Dosage & Administration Presentation Registration Number |
PIGNOX PIGNOX is multivitamins, amino acids and trace elements preparation which is indicated for optimal growth in piglets. These substances are essential for optimal health, growth and performance in pig. Vitamins will enhance body metabolism, strengthen body defense against diseases, and increase cell growth. Amino acids are building blocks for protein synthesis which is needed for cell growth resulting in better performance while trace elements are needed for optimal functions of enzymes for better metabolism. This combination makes PIGNOX the best supplement for piglets. Composition Dosage & Administration
Presentation Registration Number |
MINERAL BABI MINERAL BABI is minerals and vitamin B12 supplement specially formulated for swine. Requirements of minerals in swine vary at different stages of life. Calcium and phosphorus are important in building up bone density as deficiency of these minerals may cause rickets. Lack copper, iron and vitamin B12 may cause anemia in piglets. Manganese deficiency may cause lameness while iodine deficiency may cause hairiness in young pigs and goiter in older ones. Copper, in addition, can also completely replace antibiotics as growth promoter; this will lead to stimulation of growth and enhances feed efficiency. Composition Indication Dosage & Administration Presentation Registration Number |
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