Thursday, September 23, 2010


 Chicken Cemani a native chicken came from Central Java province. Cemani words taken from the Java language, which means black. This jet black color of the body wrap is starting from a local chicken's comb, wattle, beak, eyeballs, tongue, oral cavity, hair, anus, legs and claws. It is said that chickens have perfect Cemani percentage of 100% black color until the color of blood, flesh and bones, but until now it has not reported any cemani with 100% black. During the black color that surrounds the outside of the body, tongue and oral cavity, then the chicken is said to be pure Cemani chicken.
The origins of chicken is chicken Kedu Cemani black, which many people in the village are maintained by Kedu, village and village Beji Kahuripan Kedu Temanggung District, Central Java province. In these three villages have kept chickens Kedu since the early 20th century (read the article "Know Your Chicken More Cemani" by Muryanto the Indonesian Poultry Magazine No. 132/TH XII-January 1991, pages 16-20). Chicken Kedu who claimed to have various names according Kedu color is black (more than 90.6%), chicken kedu White (3.4%) chicken Kedu Chocolate (0.2%), chicken Kedu Grays (0.1%) and Lurik Kedu chicken (5.7%). Cemani chicken is certainly derived from selected chickens Black Kedu towards black purification and single-toothed comb shape. Who knows how many generations of selection had been made that while this population is increasing compared Cemani chicken population in 10 years ago. Chicken Cemani many seen along the road district Waterford dijaja protocol by the local community with prices varying from tens of thousands to several million dollars.
According to the father Muryanto (author of "Know Your Chicken More Cemani"), chicken Cemani can be propagated by mating fellow Cemani chicken, which will produce children and jet black in color not black. The children colored jet black cock then called chicken Cemani whereas the chicks of other colored black Kedu usually called chicken, for that black, white to white and other colors or chicken Kedu for each color that appears. While these people are treated better than chicken Cemaninya Kedu chicken, because it is expected to be sold at high prices.
The presence of chicken Cemani viewed from the aspect of germplasm resources, is an advantage by increasing one more typical of local chickens, though of course the emphasis on Kedu chicken population in the same location, occurred. Another advantage to be gained from this is apparently Cemani chicken as a chicken for pleasure as well as ornamental Pelung chicken, chicken or chicken Bekisar Cotton. What is clear chicken Cemani kept for meat production purposes, will not work because many consumers do not like black meat.
Information on the origin and character of qualitative chicken Cemani so far seems like the tersebutkan above. So how to maintain and / or reproduce Cemani chicken. From sources of information that is keeping chickens in their original locations Cemani source, was not obtained a special statement to maintain the black color. It is scientifically the color of the chicken is not easy to be influenced by the environment such as diet or temperature. The nature of color is more influenced genes derived from the parent. Therefore, in an effort to maintain Cemani chicken, chicken Kedu maintenance procedures as a kind of chicken that are closely related can be applied to chicken Cemani.
In connection with a lot of similarity of body size with chicken chicken Cemani Kedu Black and there is no specific information about the quantitative characteristics of chicken Cemani, so while we assume that the quantitative character Cemani chicken as chicken Kedu Black quantitative character.
Adult roosters during normal standing height reaches about 60 cm with chest girth reached 34 cm and 25 cm wingspan. Meanwhile, an adult female chicken reaches a height of 50 cm with chest circumference 27 cm and 21 cm wingspan. The weight of day old chicks ranged between 28? 32 grams / head, then the weight of hen age ranged from 5 months of 1200? 1300 grams per head. Moreover cock 5 months of age ranged between 1400? 1500 g / head. Age of first laying ranged from 4.6? 6.5 months and egg production in semi-intensive maintenance and ranged diumbar 56? 77 grains per head / year, while intensively reared in battery cages can reach 215 grains / head / year. Chicken egg weight ranged between 41? 49 grams / grains. Adult chicken feed consumption per day to reach 93 grams per head.
As noted in several research reports, chicken Kedu known as the local chicken eggs that produce higher than normal chicken. Chicken Cemani however less likely maintained by diumbar yard, but most likely maintained even intensive semi-intensive management, considering the economic value and its nature as an ornamental chickens. The number of chickens that might Cemani maintained by every member of society who like to be chicken Cemani is usually not more than ten tail, but probably could have chickens are maintained in large populations in a large farm a day for profit. In this Cemani chicken maintenance procedures can be adopted procedures for maintenance of chicken Kedu Black.
To reproduce, chicken Cemani Cemani chicken mated with each other naturally with a maximum ratio of one male to five females, which then hatched by the mother, because it still has the nature of chickens incubate and nurture her child. The chicks are hatched and then separated between a pure jet black color, Cemani chicks from the color other than black, as Kedu chicks. Maintenance of the chicks hatch can be done immediately so separated from its mother, or from the engine when incubated with hatching machines to be kept in cages equipped with a heater. As is usually the kids of course, after 4-day-old chickens, immediate immunization with Newcastle vaccine or ND (Newcastle Desease), which can be obtained from feed stores and chicken medicine. Immunization then repeated at the age of 4 weeks and 4 months old. Addition to ND vaccine, can also be immunized with fowl pox smallpox vaccine, if necessary. The selection process is done continuously to separate children feathered chickens instead of black. Maintenance of the chicks could be studied intensively from various maintenance manual or chicken broiler which can be obtained from bookstores near you.
Chickens can be kept in wire-floored cages or bamboo or directly above the ground or a cement floor covered with rice husks or sawdust taste. Size varies cages adapted to a large chicken. For adult chickens every area of the floor 1 m square, the maximum can be filled by 4-6 tails. The room in the chicken coop should be protected from direct solar heating and rain water got wet. Ventilation is made to taste around the cage wall. Cleaning the cage should always be maintained to prevent chickens from the disease. Desinfektant solution can be used to menyeprot every corner of the cage after cleaning of trash and dust. Can be given adequate lighting, especially for young chicks to facilitate control at night.
Type of feed that can be given to more easily be able to use commercial feed for laying type chickens from chicken feed to children, young chickens and adult chickens. However, to suppress prices, feed can be made with a mixture of various feed ingredients such as rice bran, grits, groats, rice etc., which are tailored to the availability of materials and cheap price. But to mix the feed, is required considerable knowledge ranging from knowing the needs of various age levels of chicken, knowledge of the nutritional value of feed ingredients and food preparation techniques to obtain food containing various nutrients needed chickens at various age levels. However, for practical below is presented one example of a simple diet formula with ingredients easily available to feed the chicks, young chickens and adult chickens .. The nutrient content slightly increased to overcome the possible loss of quality feed ingredients that sometimes happens from time to time.

(0-14 weeks)

Spring chicken
(14-22 weeks)

Adult chicken
(Above 22 weeks)

Commercial concentrate feed,%



Corn milling,%



Rice bran,%



Flour lime,%



Vitamin and mineral premix,%






Nutrient content

Crude protein,%



Energy, kcal ME (Metabolizable Energy)






Rough Phosphorus,%



Feed better is given in the form of dry once or twice each day in excess to always pay attention to the remaining feed in the morning before it was given, if there was still some additional feed can be reduced. Monthly feed consumption per head, ranging from the first 4 weeks, the chicken will eat sebanayak 392 grams / fish, then as many as 838 g / Iet in the next 4 weeks and counting for feed consumption at the age of 5 to 8 weeks, then as many as 1159 gram. Entering the age of 13 weeks, the chickens eat as much as 1364 grams / fish. Furthermore, the chicken will eat continue due to increasing until the age of the average adult who only eat as much less lehih 100 grams / head / day.

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