Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Prince Akhisino Interested Chicken and Pelung Cemani

Bogor - the Son of the Emperor of Japan, Prince Akhisino who was accompanied by Princess Kiko, was very interested and Pelung Cemani chickens in Indonesia. More Prince pictures and Cemani Pelung Chicken during a visit to campus Bogor Agricultural University (IPB).
Attraction Akhisino Prince is seen during a visit to the Laboratory of A, Faculty of Animal IPB, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor, on Monday (1/21/2008). Similarly, the release of IPB received Prohumasi AFP.
One of the local chicken experts from the Faculty of Animal Husbandry IPB, Dr. Ir Sri Supraptini Mansjoer, justify the interest in the Prince of chicken. "Prince asked how the situation Pelung chickens in Indonesia. Prince also knows that it Pelung chicken can weigh up to 12 kg," she said after presenting his presentation on 'The Current Status of Indonesian Poultry breeds. "
Sri confirmed that chicken Pelung weight can reach 12 kg. However, this time looking for that hard cock Pelung not easy. For, in seeking Pelung chicken, society or fans prefer the sound quality compared to body weight. Prince is also interested in the chicken Cemani and questioned whether the right to treat certain types of diseases. "Of course not, it's just a myth," says Sri prince when answering questions.
More in Sri explains, the coming of this prince to the IPB, the other did not want to know more development of chicken that comes from forests that chicken. At present, she said, very difficult to investigate this range chicken, because Indonesia has a high chicken variety. "To observe that already exist also in trouble, because that was selected has been entered Population dangerous. Therefore, we must increase the quantity by way of feeding and socio-economic study of society," he said.
Dr. Sri also explained that the chickens of the world's forests exist only in four places, one in Indonesia. In Indonesia, there are two types, namely chicken and chicken Red Forest Green Forest. Japan does not have this chicken. "Our chicken is superior, we should be proud that something of this world was there in Indonesia," said he dia.Menurut, exotic chickens that are now in the U.S. and developed in Europe were using the blood-galus galus, namely Chicken Forest Red. Chicken Red Forest is only in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Sumatra, Indonesia.
The series of activities to Bogor Akhisino Prince begins with a visit to the Center of the Bogor Botanical Gardens Plant Conservation (PKT-KRB) LIPI at around 09.00 am, proceed to the General Hospital of the Indonesian Red Cross (RSU) PMI Bogor, then to the IPB at 1300 hrs and visit last to Cibinong Science Center (CSC) LIPI at 16.00 pm. (

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