Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chicken Kedu Cemani''Black''

It has been published in the newspaper Suara Merdeka Print Edition Saturday, May 2, 2009

According Balitnak version (2004), there are several types of chicken kedu called according to color hair and body, that is kedu black (more than 90.6 percent), chicken kedu white (3.4 percent) kedu brown chicken (0.2 percent ), chicken kedu gray (0.1 percent) and chicken striated kedu (5.7 percent). The farmers in the community according to Waterford County there are only three types of chicken kedu, namely chicken kedu black, white and kedu kedu mixture.

The difference between a black chicken with chicken cemani kedu lies in its color distribution. Kedu black cock spread of color just on the fur alone, while the chicken cemani throughout the body. So chicken is a chicken kedu cemani black but black is not necessarily kedu chicken chicken cemani.

In relation to the number of similarity of body size chicken with chicken kedu cemani black and there is no specific information about the quantitative characteristics of chicken cemani, so while we assume that the quantitative character cemani chicken as quantitative characters kedu black cock.

According Balitnak (2004), adult male chickens during normal standing height reaches about 60 cm with chest girth reached 34 cm and 25 cm wingspan. Meanwhile, an adult female chicken reaches a height of 50 cm with chest circumference 27 cm and 21 cm wingspan. The weight of day old chicks ranged from 28-32 grams / head, then the weight of 5 month old hens ranged from 1200 to 1300 grams per head. The 5-month old roosters ranged from 1400 to 1500 grams per head.

Age of first laying ranged from 4.6 to 6.5 months. Egg production in semi-intensive maintenance diumbar and ranged 56-77 grains / head / year, which is different from chicken kedu intensively reared in battery cages can reach 215 grains / head / year. Chicken egg weight ranged between 41-49 grams / grains. Adult chicken feed consumption per day to reach 93 grams per head.

Based on the research Cresswell and Gunawan (1982), which compares kedu egg production among chicken and other types of local chickens for 52 weeks showed that chicken egg production kedu cemani''black''higher at 58.8 percent, while 54 percent of white kedu type ; chicken Nunukan 50 percent and 32 percent Pelung chicken.

Cemani chicken can be kept in wire-floored cages, bamboo or directly above the ground or cement floor covered with rice husks or sawdust taste.

Size varies cage adapted to large-size chicken. For adult chickens each 1 m2 floor area, the maximum can be filled by 4-6 tails. The room in the chicken coop should be protected from direct solar heating and rain water got wet.

Ventilation was made to taste around the cage wall. Cleaning the cage should always be maintained to prevent chickens from the disease. Desinfektant solution can be used to menyeprot every corner of the cage after cleaning of trash and dust. Can be given adequate lighting, especially for the chicks for easier control in the evening.

Type of feed that can be given to more easily be able to use commercial feed type chicken start laying type of feed for chicks, young chickens and adult chickens.

However, to suppress prices, feed can be made with a mixture of various feed ingredients such as rice bran, grits, groats, rice etc., which are adapted to material availability and prices.

In the process of mixing the feed, is required considerable knowledge ranging from knowing the needs of various levels of chicken age, knowledge of the nutritional value of feed ingredients and food preparation techniques to obtain food containing various nutrients needed chickens at various age levels.
Kedu chicken breeders, generally have a tendency to develop type black cock hairy kedu cemani''economically''because it has a higher economic value in terms of market demand.

But the result of many requests will cock this cemani either DOC, young chickens, and adult chicken stock make this cemani increasingly exhausted and the impact on overall kedu chicken which is also on the wane. Moreover, when it has not been matched by the germplasm conservation efforts in general kedu chicken and continuously to maintain the availability of seeds.
Preservation Efforts
Kedu chicken conservation in general that have very close genetic kinship with chickens cemani, while this is done by the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Poultry Breeding in Maron, Waterford District Central Java Province. This Unit is under the management of Central Java Province Animal Husbandry Department in collaboration with the Laboratory of Plant Breeding and Reproduction Science Animal Husbandry Faculty of Diponegoro University.

In addition, also by involving groups Kedu chicken farmer in County Waterford who have a collection of chickens and cemani kedu.

As part of the community of Central Java Indonesia in particular and society in general, we hope our efforts will be or has been done so far in order to save the existence of chicken including chicken cemani kedu and types of local chickens in Indonesia have been carried out continuously by involving various parties involved and of course also the community as a breeder for conserving this germplasm da could be achieved. (35)

Dedy Winarto-SPt, S2 student Competitive Scholarship Ministry of Education Master of Animal Science Undip

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