Peripheral Services
Chevredor is well aware that the purchase of goats is only the beginning of your story. Stock from the best breeding lines will not perform to expectations if management is lacking. To help both our domestic and international clients we therefore offer an extensive range of peripheral services.Seminars & Training
It has been said that "the problems of the world can be solved with education" and the problems of any livestock enterprise are no different. Learning how avoid as many problems as possible, how to recognize the ones you haven't avoided and what to do about them can make the difference between a profitable enterprise and a disaster for both the people and the animals involved. Chevredor offers various types of education from basic goat management courses for the novice to seminars for those with a fair level of expertise wanting to broaden their knowledge base through open discussion with a group of their peers and specialists in a variety of fields. Courses embrace both theoretical and practical skills with a bias towards profitability in a commercial operation. For those with specific needs, courses can be tailored to match your requirements e.g. embryo transplant and artificial insemination. Chevredor principals draw not only on their own body of knowledge and experience for these courses but will enlist a range of private and government experts with knowledge specific to the topics covered by the course. On farm training can also be arranged for those who learn more easily by "watching and doing". "Hands on" training
Practicing selection
Open discussion group
Goat Products
Prevention is better than cure and Chevredor is happy to identify (and assist with supply if needed) a range of products designed to assist with your management issues.Breeding Services
Chevredor offers a range of breeding services designed to suit a variety of operators from small studs to commercial goat meat producers.Bucks Standing for Service
For a small number of registered does it is not financially viable to buy a $10,000 buck. However, using a cheap buck to serve them will not advance your breeding program. Having your doe/s serviced at Chevredor gives you your choice of top quality bucks from a variety of much sought after bloodlines (see Standing Sires). Not only will this spare you the capital outlay, but there are none of the feeding, management and in-breeding problems associated with keeping a buck.Embryo Transplant Programs
"Embryo transplant vets at work"
Chevredor has its own embryo transplant surgery and lab. For associated breeders even a single doe can be included in a program with Chevredor providing all the care and management. Your donor doe will be fertilized by the buck of your choice and full veterinary verification will be provided. Recipient does can also be provided if required. Contact Us for more information and current pricing on the various options.Frozen Embryos and Semen
"Imported South African Embryo Donor Does"
Frozen embryos from selected Chevredor does (see Exports) are available to order. Frozen semen from our resident sires is also available to order (See Standing Sires), Contact Us for more information and current pricing.
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