The standing sires are the engine room of any stud!
With this in mind, we select bucks with a long, deep body, well sprung ribs, wide chest, long stitch and rapid growth rate from birth to ten months. This very strict selection criterion has been continually applied to Chevredor bred bucks and also the bucks we have purchased in from both imported South African embryos and full blood Australian bred lines. We are fortunate that our export business gives us ready access to stock from many top Australian studs and we do not miss opportunities to purchase exceptional stud animals that have something to offer our breeding program. By continually selecting the very best animals from each generation and using embryo transplant technology to produce large numbers of offspring, the quality of our herd has leapt forward each year. Over time, this has given us bucks that consistently reach 100kg by 12months of age. Our current standing sires represent three major lines:
Snake Line
Snake was imported to Australia as an embryo from South Africa. His sire was Du Raan’s champion buck "Holyfield" an exceptionally long and well muscled buck. Snake was purchased by Chevredor as a junior and performed well at major shows throughout the country however as a sire he made an even greater mark. Chevredor's main sire in several natural breeding and embryo programs, Snake has produced offspring that are remarkable for their consistency of type. Two of his sons and one grandson are perpetuating this line at Chevredor.
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Fairfax is the son of imported South African embryo buck Amani Cosgrove. Purchased from Harfield Bestboer Stud in WA his line is unrelated to our Snake line. Fairfax adds strong shoulder development to the length and good muscle development that are the cornerstone of the Chevredor breeding program. Fairfax earned numerous broad ribbons at major shows including Reserve National Champion buck 2006. He has strong representation in our current stud doe line up and we have three of his sons among our current top sires
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The only Boer Buck in the world that I know of with his own web site, Tarzan was a South African embryo imported by Karbo Stud in South Australia. His career in Australia was short but brilliant and he went on to take the USA by storm. Before departing for the US, Tarzan sired both natural and ET progeny. Jo Dirt, an ET son of Tarzan was Chevredor’s first “new genetics” buck and he transformed our foundation herd. By the time we introduced Snake and Fairfax to our breeding program, most of our top does were daughters of Jo Dirt. We recently purchased several bucks from the Tarzan line to refresh the Tarzan influence on the current progeny in the Tarzan line.
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