Thursday, February 3, 2011

Amazing Links about Knitters/Crocheters and Coco + Chanel

Here is a very heart-warming video about Barbara Finney, a woman who lost her fingers to a blood disease but still knits and crochets. See it here.

On Saturday I met a woman at the Amherst Winter Farmers Market who knits "stump socks" for American War Veterans. She is a member of the Granny Peace Brigade in Philadelphia. Their mission is to work for peace in Iraq and Afghanistan and to bring home the troops in good medical - physical and mental - condition and to jobs. The stump sock pattern is available on line Here on Google Docs.

I've just heard about an upcoming knitting retreat being held near Hartford. Janet Bristow and Vicky Galo are the original founders of the Prayer Shawl Ministry and travel nationwide to present their ministry workshops. Both are graduates of the Hartford Seminary’s Women’s Leadership Institute, and are authors of The Prayer Shawl Companion and The Crocheted Prayer Shawl Companion. It is April 2 from 10 to 3. Check it out here.

And because there can't be a day without a sheep or lamb photo, here are Coco and Chanel dozing on one of our Persian rugs via the Hipstamatic.

And another of them smiling for the camera.

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